Many Faces, Many Voices

Julie T.
1 min readDec 29, 2020

there is an awareness in recognizing that every belief/experience/narrative you have regarding the “other” is a direct vibrational reflection of what is being mirrored right back to you; maybe in different ways, scenarios and language — but there is a certain resonance. so be attentive and conscious in your inner shadow work. be clear on what perceptions you are projecting; unless it is one of love, of gratitude, patience and understanding — it is an opportunity to witness the ways we unconsciously project onto others.

“it takes one to know one.”

i see this everywhere in my work as it also reveals its lessons within my own relationships and in various dynamics among those i work with. where two people are feeling the same things… projecting onto the other, yet unable to witness the same qualities within self. a blind game of blame. an ego’s attempt of survival.

we had chosen, very specifically and intently, the people who would mirror our current state of being. we will wear a thousand faces until we recognize the One.

it is possible that one person may rise from the frequencies of judgment and pain and see the “other” with new eyes. it is in this moment that they are both set free. from expectation and self-inflicted disappointment.

your responsibility is not to convince others to love you or See you. the work is within you, always.



Julie T.

Emotional and Mental wellness guide who serendipitously fell in love with life while on the journey of self-inventory, healing, love.